Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back home...

Well, I'm back from my vacation in the Yellow Mountains and happy to find that spring has come to Baotou.

The mountains were definately worth the visit, although there were a lot of tourists during the May Holiday. On the way back to Inner Mongolia I also had the opportunity to meet some of my family vacationing in Beijing. An Uhrbrand familily gathering on the wrong side of the planet :=)

When I came home I was also happy to find that I've started to think of my apartment here as just that: "home". Not merely a place to sleep. It really helped to get some furniture of my own choosing...

Apart from that, not much is new, so I'll just say that I've updated the picture gallery to include the Yellow Mountains.


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Martin. Tak for hjemmeside nyt, photos og humoristiske beretninger. Jeg griner sjældent ved computeren, men nu sker det! Hanne med familie og Karen har lige været på besøg i sommerhuset og vi havde en fin dag. Kunne sidde ude hele dagen uden sand, regn eller mudder!
Tillykke med Lisa, det må være dejligt at dele oplevelserne med en man holder af.
Jeg har travlt med at hjælpe flygtninge med lektielæsning, men ingen kinesere.
Glæder mig til mere nyt. Hilsener fra Arne og Tove

At 3:14 AM, Anonymous Zelinda said...

Ciao Martin,I was wondering where you where and then Ee and Davide just visited me, so we checked out your website ..and dude you are cool!! (great letters and post, great pictures...) you can check out some picture of me, Steve and my baby Jonathan.
and Good luck wherever you are!


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